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Ullash Bhattacharjee

Aspiring Full Stack Software Engineer

Aspiring Full Stack Software Engineer

Hello ! I'm Ullash. A computer science graduate, with a passion for coding and problem-solving. I have completed my B.Sc in Computer Science & Engineering from Ahsanullah University Of Science & Technology (AUST).

I have always been fascinated by computer technologies. I have been striving to learn something new every day and applied them to practical work. I am well acquainted with web enterprise full stack development. I am a competitive problem solver and have a good competitive programming profile. I am an eager learner , constantly striving to improve my skills and stay ahead of the latest trends in software development.

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< Education >

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computer Science & Engineering

2018 - 2023

Ahsanullah University Of Science And Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

CGPA: 3.179 [Out Of 4.00]

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination, Dhaka Board

2015 - 2027

Government Science College, Dhaka, Bangladesh

CGPA: 5.00 [Out Of 5.00]

Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination, Dhaka Board


Willes Little Flower School & College, Dhaka, Bangladesh

CGPA: 5.00 [Out Of 5.00]

< Experience >


May 2024 - Present

Assistant Programmer
  • Working on automation of Karnaphuli , Bakhrabad Gas Station Projects
  • Responsibilities include writing backend logic, generating Jasper Reports, designing the UI (front-end), and deploying the application on a server.
  • Java | Groovy - Grail | Spring | Jasper

April 2023 - December 2023

BJIT Group
Software Engineer (Trainee)
  • Completed an intensive training program that covered both backend and frontend development
  • Building micro-service based projects
  • Applying spring security (JWT)
  • Java | Spring-Boot | React

< Skills >

Language & Frameworks

C/C++ - 80%

JAVA - 75%

Spring / Spring-Boot - 70%

JavaScript - 75%

Python - 70%

React - 70%

HTML-CSS - 80%

Bootstrap - 80%


MySQL - 75%

Postgres - 70%

Oracle (PL/SQL) - 70%


Git-Github - 85%

Docker - 80%

Jenkins - 50%

Kubernetes - 50%

Intellij - 80%

Visual Studio Code - 80%

PyCharm - 60%


  • Redis Cache
  • Apache Kafka
  • Web Sockets
  • Micro Service Architecture

< Projects >

Trainee Selection System
Client | Server

Trainee Selection System is an automated software solution that simplifies and streamlines the process of selecting trainees for job positions.

Book Application (micro-service)

A micro-service based project that ensures secure communication, efficient service discovery, and centralized configuration management for a seamless online book-shopping experience.

Payroll Management System

A project, that finds out the employees all kinds of information related to payroll from the server site, and employee himself/herself can access the VM Ware site to find out him/her all personal details.

Path-Way Services
Client | Server

A website built with the proper knowledge of information system design and software engineering that will help to purchase tickets for public transport.

News Category Classification

It is a pattern recognition project where I implemented a system for categorizing news articles.

Cardio Vascular Disease Prediction

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is a global health concern, causing a significant number of deaths annually. Applied six models to predict whether a person will have CVDs or not and showed comparisons between them to know which one performed better. Technologies: Python , ML Models , Github

< Publications >

“PerSign: Personalized Bangladeshi Sign Letters Synthesis” : Mohammad Imrul Jabair, Ali Ahnaf, Tashfiq Nahiyan Khan, Ullash Bhattacharjee, Tanjila Joti. A part of my thesis work has been accepted at an A* conference (UIST 2022) as a poster. Link

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< Contact >

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